Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Playdough and quilting

Today Abigail and I will spend our time making cookies out of playdough, watching movies, eating milkshakes and I might try to make some quilted bags. She is feeling better today, thank you for all your prayers. The gum graft was not fun at all for her and I hate seeing any of my kids in pain. She is still having trouble smiling and will hold her lip down whenever she feels it slipping up and she will need to eat soft foods for another 10 to 12 days. Unfortunately she developed a cough that has been keeping her and us up at night. Hopefully she will go back to school tomorrow!

This morning I am letting the spring fever set in a little bit. I looked out my kitchen window and saw male and female cardinals chasing each other, the sun is bright and the weather on yahoo says it might be upper 40s by the end of the week. I even enjoyed looking at the JCPenneys flier with the "new spring look". Could it be that we are close???? It might just be time to start planning the garden. Yeah!

Do you remember... When I was little we always had new Easter clothes. The new dress, hat and gloves and of course new patten leather white shoes. I'm excited to dress up Elianna and Abigail for Easter and am struggling a little with letting go of dressing up my big girls. Long gone are the days when I could have all four in matching outfits or at least very close. Now they advice me on my wardrobe, hair style and make up choices.

It is also time to think ahead a little. During these weeks of Lent I enjoy deep thought of how we can be more disciplined in our faith, the magnitude of what Jesus did for us. While still trying to focus on that, I also enjoy the preparation of Holy week. We are already talking about the kids service that we have on Good Friday and the fun time that follows. The importance of teaching our children what Jesus did for us in His death but the joy of His resurrection. I hope we have the chance to witness to many kids this year. Please plan to attend at 10:30 a.m. on April 2nd and invite a friend or two or three.