Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blogging dropout

Well you can tell I haven't gotten the hang of this site yet. I actually couldn't find what I created. Summer is great our girls are all growing up (which is not the great part). But they are all wonderful. My husband is full of energy and quite happy now that he doesn't eat wheat anymore. Long story short he is allergic to it, his body has been reacting all these years and he has never realized that it is the wheat that is making him sick.

Kalyn is busy with Volleyball and speedcamp. She is really getting in shape and feels great about herself. She keeps us laughing most of the time except when the hormones take control of her body and we run for cover. Don't tell I told you...

Melissa is also doing great, she joined volleyball and speedcamp this summer too. And she played softball. She is also going to try her hand at detasseling (not sure on spelling). It is a great summer job out her for kids. Very hard work, hot and buggy. She will be going back to public school this year, we are praying for a smooth transition.

Abigail is really changing! She is not really our snuggle bug anymore. She is very busy learning to ride her bike and her imagination is incredible. I love to listen to her and Elianna play on the swingset (club) they spend hours laughing and busy on it. She also soaks up the information, she has questions that I can't even answer. That is when we call daddy.

Elianna is still my snuggle girl. She still likes to fall asleep with me at night on my shoulder as I read or do the computer. She loved to give hugs and kisses and is full of love. She doesn't walk much she dances or skips or jumps or just twirls to wherever she is going. She is also excited to go to kindergarten this fall. I will miss her.

Enough for today, peace to all and to all a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I miss those girls and I miss you. Love the update! Call me! I will be back in the Dixon area in a couple of weeks and I need to see everyone! Miss you guys! Nicole
