Monday, February 22, 2010

God's gift

I almost forgot, here are some pictures of the bags I made this past week. If anyone wants one let me know. :)

Today I am relaxing in the wonderful climate of my sauna. Thats right, I am sitting in my sauna writting this. When I was gathering my things to sit down and write the idea came to mind. What a perfect time to enjoy the warmth of the sauna and enjoy writting a post! I will not be able to sit in here all day unfortunately, there will be some things that need to get done. The sauna we have was purchased for my birthday from my hubby and my parents. It was an extravagant gift, considering we normally don't spend much but it has been wonderful getting the chill our of these bones.

This weekend I kept coming across a quote that I just love and I wondered why. What was so special about it that God kept bringing this to my sight.

"What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God."
WOW. I love this quote. Maybe I am seeing it so much because I am always praying about my girls and their lives. The big picture, you know those prayers. What I feel God is telling me is that yes I need to help them to become who they are and help them to be strong independent women but I also need to help them remember where they came from. Not only that they were created from the image of God but what about all those people who God put in our lives to mentor us. Whether its someone in our family or special friends who have taught us, loved us and sacrificed for us to live a God loving life. And most likely He is not sending this message just for my girls, but for me too.

People now seem so set on being independent, defining who they are by creating a new role or showing how strong they can be or creating a new purpose. Sometimes myself included, we forget to remember to stay strong with who created us. Become the woman that we can be but keep the foundation strong with the values and knowledge of our dear mentors. God gave us these people to do some of the work for us, to open our eyes to Him, to open our hearts to His love and to give us something that we can lean on at all times. We don't have to recreate the wheel, just keep it going!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that God put YOU in my life as one of my mentors. I cherish you every day and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!
