Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Random Thoughts

Three days in a row writting this, WOW! Not sure anyone is reading it, but it does give me something different to do. I am inspired by all the blogs I have read and have learned so much about many different things.

We had a wonderful weekend in Wisconsin but unfortunately I came home with a nasty cold. Needless to say I am homebound which could by why I am so eager to play on the computer. The house is so quiet today, the kids went back to school after our long weekend. They were not too happy to get up early and out the door. I really would like school much more if it started about 9 and ended about 2. I think thats long enough for the kids and myself.

The girls are growing up so quickly it seems like it's just slipping away. Elianna likes to start in bed with me at night and last night she was looking at our palms. She was wondering why there are two lines on the inside of her fingures and only on on her thumb. Then she snuggles in and sleeps. Abigail on the other hand is reading everything, and doing a great job! She went to her friends last night who has a cat. She came home and showed me the bumps on her arms (she is allergic to cats). I assumed that she was just sitting somewhere the cat had been and didn't think much of it. This morning I found out through breakfast conversation with the sister that she was petting the cat. She said "but momma, I didn't touch my face". Ugh!

The big girls. Melissa and I were the only ones home last night. That doesn't happen often and it was really nice to see her working so hard on her homework and then spending time watching something together. Just the two of us. Kalyn is the responsible one babysitting and then coming home to help put her little sisters to bed. She still needs some mom time though, which I wouldn't trade for anything!

Lately I have been interested in our family eating habits. We typically eat very healthy due to allergies and lack of fast food in our area. But there is always room to improve. I have been looking into some sites that use more homemade items rather than store bought. Such as ketchup, mustard, sour cream, spaghetti sauce (which we already do), and granola. A friend had us over for playgroup a couple weeks ago and made wonderful granola that we sprinkled on fresh fruit. Wow what a difference! and as we sat there visiting, eating and solving world problems she made another weeks worth. It was easy. And so much more healthy that storebought. Since we moved to Ashton I have been interested in canning and using fresh from the garden items for our meals. Something I wasn't used to living in the 'burbs. We didn't grow up with a garden.

My biggest obstacle to overcome with this new desire to eat more "real food" is the expense. We all know that buying fresh fruits and veges and meats are much more expensive that the processed or canned varieties. So I am going to challenge myself to start something new once a week or change up something we currently use. Anyone want to join me????


  1. I'm so glad you liked the granola! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I'm in...but you need to lead. Tell me what to buy and I will do it! Amy, is your granola the canning women's granola?
