Friday, February 19, 2010

An unexpected day

Friday has been busy. Abigail has been to the orthodontist and a periodontist in Rockford. The gum graft we have been anticipating after she gets her braces off will be a week from next wednesday. We can't wait at this point, there is too much of a risk that she will loose the tooth. Please keep her in prayers as she waits for this procedure and tries not to anticipate what they told her about it today. She is a trooper! When they asked what day would work for us, she responded that Tuesdays really weren't good for her because she didn't want to miss music at school, not Friday because that is the day Grandma and Grandpa Olson come over and then there is Art class. Thankfully we did manage to find a day that worked into her busy schedule.

I have to say I really missed my nap today. I'm so thankful for my parents' help with our grocery shopping each week. It is something that is very difficult for me to do and it gives them an opportunity to see the girls once a week. Tonight Abigail and Elianna had Grandpa in the kitchen with their marshmallow machine working him to the bone. His break came when it was time for Jonathan and Elianna to go to the Ice Hogs game. The big girls are at a school dance and Abigail is my snuggle bug for the night. Thank Heaven!

I have been able to get a few things done this week in between resting. I plan on taking some pictures and posting them as soon as I can. I have managed to make a quilted basket for my knitting stuff in the living room. It turned out amazing! I also made Mocha some new booties. Yes the dog wears booties. I'll just leave it at that.

Before I go just remember your lenten challenge, if you made one. Prayer and discipline. And feel the love of Jesus through this amazing season of Lent.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Keep it up Lori! I too didn't give anything up this year. The girls and I have devoted more time to reading devotions and praying. It just felt like the right thing to do this year. Love you!
